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The Firm - Star trekkin'

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Titre : Star trekkin'

Année : 1987

Auteurs compositeurs : Lister / O'connor

Durée : 3 m 33 s

Label : Disky

Référence : 1056

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Star Trekkin' across the universe,
On the Starship Enterprise under Captain Kirk.
Star Trekkin' across the universe,
Boldly going forward 'cause we can't find reverse.

Lt. Uhura, report.
There's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, starboard bow;
There's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, Jim.

Analysis, Mr. Spock.
It's life, Jim, but not as we know it, not as we know it, not as we know it;
It's life, Jim, but not as we know it, not as we know it, Captain.

There's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, starboard bow;
There's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, Jim.

Star Trekkin' across the universe,
On the Starship Enterprise under Captain Kirk.
Star Trekkin' across the universe,
Boldly going forward, still can't find reverse.

Medical update, Dr. McCoy.
It's worse than that, he's dead, Jim, dead, Jim, dead, Jim;
It's worse than that, he's dead, Jim, dead, Jim, dead.

It's life, Jim, but not as we know it, not as we know it, not as we know it;
It's life, Jim, but not as we know it, not as we know it, Captain.

There's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, starboard bow;
There's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, Jim.

Starship Captain, James T. Kirk:
Ah! We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill;
We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, men.

It's worse than that, he's dead, Jim, dead, Jim, dead, Jim;
It's worse than that, he's dead, Jim, dead, Jim, dead.

Well, it's life, Jim, but not as we know it, not as we know it, not as we know it;
It's life, Jim, but not as we know it, not as we know it, Captain.

There's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, starboard bow;
There's Klingons on the starboard bow, scrape 'em off, Jim.

Star Trekkin' across the universe,
On the Starship Enterprise under Captain Kirk.
Star Trekkin' across the universe,
Boldly going forward, and things are getting worse!

Engine room, Mr. Scott:
Ye cannae change the laws of physics, laws of physics, laws of physics;
Ye cannae change the laws of physics, laws of physics, Jim.

Ah! We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill;
We come in peace, shoot to kill; Scotty, beam me up!

It's worse than that, he's dead, Jim, dead, Jim, dead, Jim;
It's worse than that, he's dead, Jim, dead, Jim, dead.

Well, it's life, Jim, but not as we know it, not as we know it, not as we know it;
It's life, Jim, but not as we know it, not as we know it, Captain.

There's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, starboard bow;
There's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow Jim!

Ya cannot change the strength Jim of the engines.
It's worse than that, it's physics, Jim.

Bridge to engine room, warp factor 9.
Och, if I give it any more she'll blow, Cap'n!

Star Trekkin' across the universe,
On the Starship Enterprise under Captain Kirk.
Star Trekkin' across the universe,
Boldly going forward 'cause we can't find reverse.

Star Trekkin' across the universe,
On the Starship Enterprise under Captain Kirk.
Star Trekkin' across the universe,
Boldly going forward, still can't find reverse.

Transcripteur : bambicacoo
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Voir tous les commentaires

5 commentaires (dont 1 archivé)
SirApe Le 11/05/2018
Mon dieu mais quelle est cette chose ? on a aucune information dessus ?
morphee Le 08/08/2019
Le titre a quand même réussi l'exploit d'être n°1 en Angleterre en 1987 !
le_baron Le 18/10/2021
"Star Trekkin'" est une chanson de 1987 du groupe britannique de novelty The Firm. Elle parodie la première série télévisée de Star Trek, et met en avant des caricatures vocales comiques des personnages originaux de Trek, fournies par des membres du groupe, un technicien de studio, et la femme d'un des auteurs de la chanson. L'une des phrases de la chanson, "It's life, Jim, but not as we know it", trouve son origine dans "Star Trekkin'", mais a ensuite été attribuée à tort à la série télévisée.

La vidéo promotionnelle de la chanson a été créée par une équipe d'étudiants en art appelée The Film Garage, avec une combinaison de marionnettes, d'animations en stop motion et d'images générées par ordinateur.

La chanson est entrée dans le hit-parade britannique à la 74e place, avant de grimper pendant deux semaines à la première place. Elle a également connu le succès dans un certain nombre d'autres pays, se vendant à plus d'un million d'exemplaires.
Chezod Le 06/08/2022
Halte à la Star Treksploitation !!!

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