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Well a-one cup of coffee and a cigarette
I'm waitin' on the one I wanna love and pet
It seems like a year since I seen her face
Her sweet lips I can't wait to taste
I'm waitin' on my baby and she ain't here yet
One cup of coffee and a cigarette
Well I think I'm gonna cry if she don't show up
The tears are gonna fall in the coffee-cup
Cigarette-smoke gettin' in my eye
That ain't the reason that I cry
I'm waitin' on my baby and she ain't here yet
One cup of coffee and a cigarette
Well a-one cup of coffee and a cigarette
I'm waitin' on the one I wanna love and pet
It seems like a year since I seen her face
Her sweet lips I can't wait to taste
I'm waitin' on my baby and she ain't here yet
One cup of coffee and a cigarette
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