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Angela Lansbury - If he walked into my life

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Titre : If he walked into my life

Année : 1966

Auteurs compositeurs : Jerry Herman

Pochette : Berta

Durée : 3 m 48 s

Label : Columbia Masterworks

Référence : KOS 3000

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Where's that boy with the bugle?
My little love was always my big romance
Where's that boy with the bugle?
And why did I ever buy him those damn long pants?

Did he need a stronger hand?
Did he need a lighter touch?
Was I soft or was I tough?
Did I give enough?
Did I give too much?
At the moment that he needed me
Did I ever turn away?

Would I be there when he called
If he walked into my life today

Were his days a little dull?
Were his nights a little wild?
Did I overstate my plan?
Did I stress the man?
And forget the child
And there must have been a million things
That my heart forgot to say
Would I think of one or two
If he walked into my life today

Should I blame the times I pampered him
Or blame the times I bossed him
What a shame!
I never really found the boy
Before I lost him

Were the years a little fast?
Was his world a little free?
Was there too much of a crowd?
All too lush and loud and not enough for me
Though I'll ask myself my whole life long
What went wrong along the way
Would I make the same mistakes
If he walked into my life today?
If that boy with the bugle
Walked into my life today
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1 commentaire
Trocol Harum Le 12/10/2022
Le titre est inclus dans "Mame", comédie musicale américaine de Jerome Lawrence et Robert E. Lee, sur un livret et une musique de Jerry Herman. Elle a été créée en 1966 à Broadway (New York) avec Angela Lansbury et Beatrice Arthur dans les rôles principaux et avec Frankie Michaels, Jerry Lanning et Charles Braswell.

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