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morpheeLe 12/09/2002
Chaz Jankel ou Chas Jankel ? Il le dit sur son propre site : "In 1980 I was writing some music I knew wasn't suitable for Ian and the Blocks and I managed to find an alternative outlet for this music. Johny Turnbull helped in getting a song I'd co-written Ai No Corrida to Quincy Jones. I also released my version which was to launch my solo recording career with A&M records. I made 4 albums. None of these made the top 40 in the UK but spawned some massive hits elsewhere (only a couple of days ago a fan at a blockheads gig told me he had just recently heard Glad to know you in Mexico). Many won't know the song that I wrote with Ian that was on Chasanova, but in 1983 the song sat on top of the dance charts of the U.S for 9 weeks. Unfortunately none of the 4 albums are currently available as A&M deleted all of them….but one day….. Just for the record the albums were as follows: Chas Jankel - I SPELL CHAS WITH A Z THESE DAYS, Chasanova, Chazablanca and Looking at you."
JadeLe 18/12/2002
aussi on a entendu en france "I sing on the cake"
fortysomethingLe 30/03/2003
Ca serait pas plutôt "Icing On The Cake" ? Mais bon, ce que j'en dit…
LepiLe 30/01/2004
Chaz Jankel c'est pas l'anagramme (imparfaite) de Jaques Chancel?
enigmaLe 02/05/2004
Sa chanson "Number one" a un faux air de la musique du striptease de la playmate de cocoboy…
belgobelgeLe 14/02/2008
Je me souviens de l'avoir vu en concert en Belgique, hiver 83-84, au Krypton club (à Zottegem). Je possède même l'album 33 tours "Chazablanca" !
Chaz Jankel ou Chas Jankel ? Il le dit sur son propre site : "In 1980 I was writing some music I knew wasn't suitable for Ian and the Blocks and I managed to find an alternative outlet for this music. Johny Turnbull helped in getting a song I'd co-written Ai No Corrida to Quincy Jones. I also released my version which was to launch my solo recording career with A&M records. I made 4 albums. None of these made the top 40 in the UK but spawned some massive hits elsewhere (only a couple of days ago a fan at a blockheads gig told me he had just recently heard Glad to know you in Mexico). Many won't know the song that I wrote with Ian that was on Chasanova, but in 1983 the song sat on top of the dance charts of the U.S for 9 weeks. Unfortunately none of the 4 albums are currently available as A&M deleted all of them….but one day….. Just for the record the albums were as follows: Chas Jankel - I SPELL CHAS WITH A Z THESE DAYS, Chasanova, Chazablanca and Looking at you."
aussi on a entendu en france "I sing on the cake"
Ca serait pas plutôt "Icing On The Cake" ? Mais bon, ce que j'en dit…
Chaz Jankel c'est pas l'anagramme (imparfaite) de Jaques Chancel?
Sa chanson "Number one" a un faux air de la musique du striptease de la playmate de cocoboy…
Chaz et Chaz. Ce sont 2 homonymes. Le lien de morphee concerne un pianiste de jazz.
Celui qui nous interesse est malheureusement décédé il y a une quinzaine d'années !
Après consultation, je dois concéder que la précédente info est fausse.
J'ai bien consulté le site (Officiel) de Chaz et il s'agit du même !
Pourtant la rumeur de sa mort circule toujours (cf Le Dictionnaire du Rock de Michka Assayas page 523).
Y-a-t-il confusion avec Chas Chandler (1938-1996), ancien bassiste des Animals et "découvreur-manager" de Jimi Hendrix ?
Chaz Jankel C'est aussi l'excellent "Glad to know you" samplé par 49Ers dans "Die Walküre"
Ce titre a été utilisé dans la pub pour le déodorant Printil.
Je me souviens de l'avoir vu en concert en Belgique, hiver 83-84, au Krypton club (à Zottegem). Je possède même l'album 33 tours "Chazablanca" !
Chaz Jankel ou Charles Jeremy Jankel est de nationalité britannique et non américaine… Il est né à Stanmore le 16 avril 1952.
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