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Ventura - Another Time

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Another Time

Année : 1986

Auteurs compositeurs : Otello Sacchetto / Bruno Tavernese

Pochette : Angelo Deligio

Durée : 5 m 9 s

Label : Disco 3

Référence : DTM 1186

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Must in my mind
The feet might dream
Raise everything
I must believe
Lie down understand
What is your feet
Now it complete run in the night

Now in my mind
I would its desire
Anchor man keys
Look for their ways
Sweet in my time
Running tonight
A lickable live getting your knife

But now you decide
Leave me all man flat
Let live your design

Bring another time
Let your breath car is my word
Sleep me you can try
Let yours men up far
We could run another time

Bring another time
Let me find a time with you
Sweetly you can try
Let me be with you
Won't belive this was a dream

Where in the life, so rich for a time
Buildings the night, can sanded trays
But I will be shaped looking your face
Long I recess but now you can rent
Nobody know my way
Nobody know my world
Let live your design

Really another time
Take my heart and low we rise
Sweetly you can try
Take me knighte with us
Like a laughing like a child

Bring another time
While I dance you sing for me
Sweetly you can try
While you ask with me
Lies you ask needs bubble me

Bring another time
Let your breath car is my word
Sleep me you can try
Let yours men up far
We could run another time

Bring another time
Let me find a time with you
Sweetly you can try
Let me be with you
Won't belive this was a dream

Oh it can long another time
Oh it is here, it's now our tear
(ad lib)

Transcripteur : hre mgbye
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1 commentaire (dont 1 archivé)
hre mgbye Le 16/10/2008
[Merci pour les paroles !]

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