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The Kinks - A well respected man

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Titre : A well respected man

Année : 1965

Auteurs compositeurs : R. Davies

Durée : 2 m 39 s

Label : Vogue

Référence : VPV 76 022.30

Présentation : la présence de ce titre dans la base est due à celle de ses adaptations par Petula Clark sous le titre "Un jeune homme bien" et par Jacques Desrosiers sous l'intitulé "Un homme malade".

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'Cause he gets up in the morning
And he goes to work at nine
And he comes back home at five-thirty
Gets the same train every time
'Cause his world is built 'round punctuality
It never fails

And he's oh so good
And he's oh so fine
And he's oh so healthy
In his body and his mind
He's a well respected man about town
Doing the best things so conservatively

And his mother goes to meetings
While his father pulls the maid
And she stirs the tea with councilors
While discussing foreign trade
And she passes looks as well as bills
At every suave young man

And he's oh so good
And he's oh so fine
And he's oh so healthy
In his body and his mind
He's a well respected man about town
Doing the best things so conservatively

And he likes his own backyard
And he likes his fags the best
'Cause he's better than the rest
And his own sweat smells the best
And he hopes to grab his father's loot
When Pater passes on

And he's oh so good
And he's oh so fine
And he's oh so healthy
In his body and his mind
He's a well respected man about town
Doing the best things so conservatively

And he plays at stocks and shares
And he goes to the regatta
And he adores the girl next door
'Cause he's dying to get at her
But his mother knows the best about
The matrimonial stakes

And he's oh so good
And he's oh so fine
And he's oh so healthy
In his body and his mind
He's a well respected man about town
Doing the best things so conservatively

Transcripteur : Trocol Harum
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1 commentaire
Trocol Harum Le 22/02/2020
La chanson "A well respected man" a été créée par les Kinks.
Elle a été adaptée en français sous le titre "Un jeune homme bien" par Petula Clark, par Claire Lepage et par Renée Martel alors que les Bihankis ont chanté "Une jeune fille bien" et que Jacques Desrosiers a interprété le triste titre "Un homme malade".
La version danoise, "Helt igennem respektabel" est chantée par Peter Belli alors que la version norvégienne, "En veldig respectable men" est interprétée par De Musikalske Dvergene & Frode Alnæs.
En néerlandais, Boudewijn De Groot chante "Een Respectabel Man".
En espagnol, "Un hombre respetable" est interprété par Los Hitters et par Los Ovnis alors qu'en italien, "Un uomo molto rispettabile" est chanté par The I Pops et par Avvoltoi.
Parmi les reprises notons celle du fils de Jerry Lewis, Gary Lewis accompagné des Playboys, celle des Bachelors, celle, particulière, de Josh Rouse et celle des Phamtoms.

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