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Tom Hanks - The Polar Express

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Titre : The Polar Express

Année : 2004

Auteurs compositeurs : Alan Silvestri - Glen Ballard

Pochette : affiche du film de

Durée : 3 m 23 s

Label : Reprise Records

Référence : 9362-48897-2

Présentation : Extrait de la bande originale du film "The Polar Express" (Le pôle Express) de Robert Zemeckis avec Tom Hanks.

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All aboard!
All aboard!
Tickets please, tickets
Well, you coming?
It's a magic carpet on a rail
Never takes a rest
Flying through the mountains and the snow
You can ride for free and join the fun (you can ride for free)
If you just say yes!
'Cause that's the way things happen
On the Polar Express
You bet!
Wooo wooo the whistle blows
That's the sound of her singing
Ding ding the bell will ring
Golly look at her go!
You wonder if you'll get there soon
Anybody's guess
'Cause that's the way things happen
On the Polar Express
When we get there we'll scream, "Yes!" (Yeah)
We'll arrive with a bang bang bang
Boom boom boom
Laughing all the way!
It's a choo-choo with a stunning view
That rivals all the best
But you won't see it advertised
It's a simple fact we stay on track
Though sometimes we digress
But that can only happen on the Polar Express
Hiss hiss the steam hisses
That's the sound of her breathing
Clang clang the boiler bangs
What a wonderful show!
With a comfy seat and lots to eat
Boy is this the best!
Wish it wouldn't ever have to end
With a little luck we'll be on time
There's no need to stress
'Cause that's the way things happen
On the Polar Express
Lights are gleaming far across the snow
You're not dreaming
May I present the North Pole!
If it's penguins you expect to view
You surely haven't guessed
They all live down at the other end
With a little luck we'll be on time
There's no need to stress
'Cause that's the way things happen
On the Polar Express
Boom boom the whistle blows
That's the sound of her singing
Ding ding the bell will ring
Golly look at her go!
If you want to join us come along
I'll check my manifest
'Cause that's the way things happen
On the Polar Express
When we get there we'll scream, "Yes!" (Yeah)
We'll arrive with a bang bang bang
Boom boom boom
Laughing all the way
If you want to join us come along
You can be our guest
'Cause that's the way things happen
On the roller coaster
The Polar Express
Next stop One Hundred and Thirteen Forty-Four Edbrook Avenue
Next stop One Hundred and Thirteen Forty-Four Edbrook Avenue
Ah, ah, ah that is not a toy young man
Young man that is not a toy
Take your seats please, take your seats
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