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Sinitta - So Macho!

Voir du même artiste

Titre : So Macho!

Année : 1986

Auteurs compositeurs : James George Hargreaves

Pochette : Snap Design / Leo Lyons

Durée : 3 m 25 s

Label : Public / CBS

Référence : PUB 13 207

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I don't want no seven stone weakling

Or a boy who thinks he's a girl
I'm after a hunk of a guy
An experienced man of the world
There ain't no way that I'll make do
With anything less than I'm used to
If I have a man tonight
He's gotta be right, right, right

So Macho
He's gotta be
So Macho
He's gotta be big and strong
enough to turn me on
He's gotta have, big blue eyes
Be able to satisfy
He's gotta be big and strong
enough to turn me on

I'm tired of taking the lead
I want a man who will dominate me
Someone who will love and protect me
And take care of my every need
Now I don't mean to be personal
But a guy like that's more preferable
In my humble point of view
Than any of you

So Macho
He's gotta be
So Macho
He's gotta be big and strong
enough to turn me on
He's gotta have, big blue eyes
Be able to satisfy
He's gotta be big and strong
enough to turn me on

and on and on and on oh!

Ooh I am in need of a
Ooh I am in need of
a man, a man, a man, a man
He's gotta be!

Big and strong!
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh!
Macho, he's gotta be, so macho

Big and strong
Enough to turn me on
Big, blue eyes

Be able to satisfy me
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2 commentaires
morphee Le 18/11/2022
Une parenté certaine avec "So many men, so little time" de Miquel Brown (sa maman).
LeftEye Le 08/12/2023
Sur le même thème, il y a aussi la chanson "Macho" de Sara Montiel, chanteuse espagnole. Tout un programme…

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