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You open up your wings to fly
You turn to face the sky far away
You never ever say goodbye
You live your life baby
It seems that it's a dream come true
The reason's coming into view
Believe in what you always knew
The season's come and go when they're away
Wings to fly
Across the sky
Wings to fly
Always high
Wings to fly
You open up your heart and mind
By reaching for the sky far away
It really isn't hard to find
You're searching for your soul day by day
There really is no holding back
You've got to stay on the attack
And when the sky is turning black
You've got to learn to face another day
Wings to fly
Across the sky
Wings to fly
Always high
Wings to fly
I turned to see a new horizon
The only sky that my life sees is you
You'll always be my life denying
Within your eyes I see what I must do
Jump higher vaults with
Wings to fly
Wings to fly
Across the sky
Wings to fly
Always high
Wings to fly
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Le titre est inclus dans la bande originale du film "American anthem", réalisé en 1986 par Albert Magnoli avec Mitch Taylor et Janet Jones.
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