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Martin Mull - Miami

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Miami

Année : 1972

Auteurs compositeurs : Martin Mull

Pochette : Kristine Weaver

Durée : 3 m 22 s

Label : Capricorn Records

Référence : CP 0106

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Here's a tune that's kind of lazy
It's not smart and it sure ain't crazy
And when you hear the melody, you know you might get ill
It's what you'd hear in elevators in Brazil

Outside your hotel
In Miami
Spell Miami and then
Ask me why, am I
M-I-A-am I
Gettin' tan, or am I getting freckles?
I hope it's tan, 'cuz I'm sure spendin' sheckles
To sit beside an ocean view in my coffin box
The only fish around is Nova Scotia lox

And they tell me it's swell in Miami
Spell Miami and then
Ask me why, am I
Whoa, M-I-A-am I
Feelin' bad oh man, I can't believe it
The fun I'vе had and I'm gonna have to leave it

I'll go back up to Tarrytown and tеll the bagel ranch
I've found a good location for another branch
It's right inside a hotel
In Miami
Spell Miami and then
Ask me why, am I
M-I-A-am I
In heaven, or am I in Miami?

Am I in heaven, or am I in Miami?
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