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ApologetiX - The sound of Sirens

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Titre : The sound of Sirens

Année : 2016

Auteurs compositeurs : J. John Jackson, Paul Simon

Durée : 4 m 13 s

Label : Parodudes

Référence : 680048

Présentation : Parodie religieuse de la chanson de Simon & Garfunkel, "Sounds of silence".
En 1999, ApologetiX avait déjà interprété "The sound of Silas".

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Hello, dark- and light-skinned men
I've come to talk with you as friends
Because division's swiftly breeding
And it leaves our loved ones bleeding
And the crimson blood that ran red in their veins
Spills the same
When there's the sound of sirens

Arrests are made and rocks are thrown
Terror seeks out troubled souls
We need the Savior of every man
He'll turn our colors into gold in His hands
But our eyes are set on the flesh so we see our fight
In black and white
And thus the sound of sirens

And on the news tonight I saw
Just how the people hate the law
People shot dead without blinking
People speaking without thinking
People righting wrongs with force instead of prayer
And no one's spared
It stirs the sound of sirens

Fools that riot do not know
Satan's quite a clever foe
Hear the Word or he might beat you
Take up arms and he might eat you
But the verse Ephesians 6 verse 12
It echoes in the wails of sirens

And if people now will pray
And believe on God, He'll save
And you'll find that vow of this sure thing
In Second Chronicles 7:14
And besides that the words of Colossians 3:11 from St. Paul
Will settle it all
When His word ends the sound – of sirens
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