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Ventura - Touched

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Touched

Année : 1986

Auteurs compositeurs : Naimy Hackett / Bruno Tavernese

Pochette : Angelo Deligio

Durée : 5 m 21 s

Label : Disco 3

Référence : DTM 1186

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What a situation really miss a pie
With a lone vacation dreading lullabye
Eat a fascination why can occupied
It's your radiation if you multiply

Come see
See to believe
Nothing can stop us now

On emancipation you can sure rely
On illumination if you qualified
Well congratulation, you are certified
No discrimination if you specify


Like an eating to heaven
Hungry to buy target
You feel like an angel
Touched by the light

Like an eating to heaven
Hungry to buy target
You feel like an angel
Touched by the sight

Like it to heaven by the gaz
You know you know has been ashamed

What a situation really miss a pie
With a lone vacation dreading lullabye
Well congratulation, you are certified
No discrimination if you specify


Like an eating to heaven
Hungry to buy target
You feel like an angel
Touched by the light

Like an eating to heaven
Hungry to buy target
You feel like an angel
Touched by the sight

(ad lib)
Transcripteur : hre mgbye
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Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.


Voir tous les commentaires

2 commentaires (dont 1 archivé)
Claude Anglois Le 29/04/2007
Un des disques les plus rares de l'Italo. Notez Nanny Hackett dans les compositeurs, qui a fait une grande partie dans le projet Baltimora…

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