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Like the knife of a thief that's held close to the throat
I'm threatened by you and the cruel way you gloat
You once turned me on, now it all seems so remote
You broke me in pieces, you cherished each blow
The harder you hit me, the stronger I grow
I'll leave you tomorrow, take my pride and I'll go
You may break the skin but you can't kill the soul
I've had all I can take
You may break the skin but you can't kill the soul
I've had all I can take
I'm leaving tomorrow
I'm leaving tomorrow
I'm leaving, I've had all I can take
Don't tell me you love me, your tears are too late
Your trap was deception, and I took the bait
The animal in you, you can't keep at bay
I'm not your possession to treat as you wish
Your silence will slowly destroy you each day
I'm leaving tomorrow, my love for life is great
You may break the skin but you can't kill the soul
I've had all I can take
You may break the skin but you can't kill the soul
I've had all I can take
You may break the skin but you can't kill the soul
I've had all I can take
You may break the skin but you can't kill the soul
I've had all I can take
You broke me in pieces, you cherished each blow
The harder you hit me, the stronger I grow
I'll leave you tomorrow, take my pride and I'll go
You may break the skin but you can't kill the soul
I've had all I can take
You may break the skin but you can't kill the soul
I've had all I can take
You may break the skin but you can't kill the soul
I've had all I can take
You may break the skin but you can't kill the soul
I've had all I can take
Inutile de vous présenter Jimmy Sommerville.
J'ai d'ailleurs déjà expliqué ailleurs sur le site qu'un pote du service miliaire qui s'appelait Sommer fut surnommé Jimmy.
Mais :
Savez vous que Richard Coles abandonna le monde de la musique en 1988 puis fut ordonné prêtre anglicans en 2005 ? Il est responsable d'une paroisse depuis.
Oui, oui, on sait. Enfin, moi, du moins. J'aime beaucoup ce groupe et ce que fait le petit Jimmy en général.
Tomorrow never knows
Sacrée madeleine que cet album, je l'écoutais en boucle à l'époque. Je doute que l'ensemble ait super bien vieilli mais cette chanson tient son rang.
J'avais été plutôt déçu par ce second album après le premier que je trouvais quasiment bon de bout en bout. Sur ''Red'', à part ce titre et un ou deux autres (C minor, le final) je trouve que c'était de la musique de danse plutôt convenue.
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