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Présentation : Grand succès un peu partout en Europe pour ce groupe anglais sauf en France où ce titre parvint à peine à se hisser en fin de classement du top 50.
It was a theme she had
On a scheme he had
Told in a foreign land
To take life on earth
To the second birth
And the man was in command
It was a flight on the wings
Of a young girl's dreams
That flew too far away
Don't push too far your dreams are china in your hand
Don't wish too hard because they may come true
And you can't help them
You don't know what you might have set upon yourself
China in your hand
Come from greed
Never born of the seed
Took a life from a barren hand
Oh eyes wide
Like a child in the form of man
A prophecy for a fantasy
The curse of a vivid mind
Don't push too far your dreams are china in your hand
Don't wish too hard because they may come true
And you can't help them
You don't know what you might have set upon yourself
China in your hand
Whoa your hand
Your hand
[Solo saxo]
Don't push too far your dreams are china in your hand
Don't wish too hard because they may come true
And you can't help them
You don't know what you might have set upon yourself
But you shouldn't push too hard no no
Don't push too far your dreams are china in your hand
Don't wish too hard because they may come true
and you can't help them
You don't know what you might have set upon yourself
Because they're only dreams
And you shouldn't push too hard no no
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
Hej, chanson déjà sur bide et musique via un titre parlé qui cause d'émission de radio ?
Mais pourquoi le nom du groupe est-il écrit deux fois sur la pochette ?
Avec un peu de retard, je réponds à yvesson : c'était effectivement dans la B.O. de Fréquence Meurtre, aussi dans la base de B&M !
Il faut être identifié pour ajouter un commentaire !