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Well the girls in town feeling bad
No more Yankees in Trinidad
They going to close down the base for good
Them girls have to make out how they could
Brother is now they park up in town
In for a penny, and in for a pound
Believe me it's competition for so
Trouble in the town when the price drop low
Bouncing up with Jean and Dinah
Rosita and Clementina, round the corner posing
Bet your life is something they selling
And if you catch them
You can get em all for nothing
Don't make no row, the yankees gone, the West Indians take
over now
Things bad is to hear them cry
Not a sailor in town, the night clubs dry
Only West Indians like me or you
Are able to get a drink or two
And as we have things back in control
Ah seeking revenge with me heart and soul
Brother when I spread the news around
Is to see how them cave men come into town
Bouncing up with Jean and Dinah
Rosita and Clementina, round the corner posing
Bet your life is something they selling
And if you catch them
You can get em all for nothing
Don't make no row, the yankees gone, the West Indians take
over now
When the Yankee was in full swing
Just imagine how I was suffering
Mavis told me straight to me face
How she find I too fast and out of place
No, no, no, they would start to fret
Money or not poor Sparrow can't get
Because with the Yankees they have it cool
Calypsonians too hard to fool
Bouncing up with Jean and Dinah
Rosita and Clementina, round the corner posing
Bet your life is something they selling
And if you catch them
You can get em all for nothing
Don't make no row, the yankees gone, the West Indians take
over now
It's the glamour boys again
We are going to rule Port of Spain
No more Yankees to spoil the fete
Dorothy have to take what she get
All of them who used to make style
While they taking two shillling with a smile
No more hotel to rest your head
By the sweat of thy brow thou shall eat bread
Bouncing up with Jean and Dinah
Rosita and Clementina, round the corner posing
Bet your life is something they selling
And if you catch them
You can get em all for nothing
Don't make no row, the yankees gone, the West Indians take
over now
Transcripteur : Trocol Harum
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
Trocol HarumLe 28/01/2018
Les paroles de la version de Robert Mitchum : [Merci]
Trocol HarumLe 28/01/2018
Les paroles de la version originale de Mighty Sparrow :
Jean and Dinah
Rosita and Clementina
Round the corner posing
Bet your life is something they selling
And if you catch them broken
You can get em all for nothing
Don't make no row, the yankees gone
Sparrow take over now
Well the girls in town feeling bad
No more Yankees in Trinidad
They going to close down the base for good
Them girls have to make out how they could
Brother is now they park up in town
In for a penny, and in for a pound
Believe me its competition for so
Trouble in the town when the price drop low
So when you bounce up
Jean and Dinah
Rosita and Clementina
Round the corner posing
Bet your life is something they selling
And if you catch them broken
You can get em all for nothing
Don't make no row, the yankees gone
Sparrow take over now
Things bad is to hear them cry
Not a sailor in town, the night clubs dry
Only West Indians like me or you
Going to get a drink or two
And as we have things back in control
Ah seeking revenge with me heart and soul
Brother when I spread the news around
Is to see how them cave men come into town
Just doh make mischief
Jean and Dinah
Rosita and Clementina
Round the corner posing
Bet your life is something they selling
And if you catch them broken
You can get em all for nothing
Don't make no row, the yankees gone
Sparrow take over now
It's the glamour boys again
We are going to rule Port of Spain
No more Yankees to spoil the fete
Dorothy have to take what she get
All of them who used to make style
While they taking two shillling with a smile
No more hotel to rest your head
By the sweat of thy brow thou shall eat bread
Jean and Dinah
Rosita and Clementina
Round the corner posing
Bet your life is something they selling
And if you catch them broken
You can get em all for nothing
Don't make no row, the yankees gone
Sparrow take over now
Trocol HarumLe 29/01/2018
Les paroles de la version française de Philippe Lavil :
De Tobago à Port of Spain
On est les rois, on reprend les rênes
On sort nos costards; nos chapeaux
Nos souliers bicolores pour la calypso!
C'est le retour des matamores
De Tapuna les cadors
Plus personne pour gâcher la fête
Et pour nous voler la vedette!
Ces filles qui faisaient de manières
Aujourd'hui sont beaucoup moins fières
On est les rois, elles sont les reines
De Tobago à Port of Spain
Il faut être identifié pour ajouter un commentaire !
La version originale de "Jean and Dinah (When the Yankees gone") est celle du Trinidadien Mighty Sparrow.
La version française, "Le paradis c'est fini" est chantée par Philippe Lavil.
Parmi les reprises, outre celle de Robert Mitchum, notons celle de Bud Dashiell & the Kinsmen.
Les paroles de la version de Robert Mitchum : [Merci]
Les paroles de la version originale de Mighty Sparrow :
Jean and Dinah
Rosita and Clementina
Round the corner posing
Bet your life is something they selling
And if you catch them broken
You can get em all for nothing
Don't make no row, the yankees gone
Sparrow take over now
Well the girls in town feeling bad
No more Yankees in Trinidad
They going to close down the base for good
Them girls have to make out how they could
Brother is now they park up in town
In for a penny, and in for a pound
Believe me its competition for so
Trouble in the town when the price drop low
So when you bounce up
Jean and Dinah
Rosita and Clementina
Round the corner posing
Bet your life is something they selling
And if you catch them broken
You can get em all for nothing
Don't make no row, the yankees gone
Sparrow take over now
Things bad is to hear them cry
Not a sailor in town, the night clubs dry
Only West Indians like me or you
Going to get a drink or two
And as we have things back in control
Ah seeking revenge with me heart and soul
Brother when I spread the news around
Is to see how them cave men come into town
Just doh make mischief
Jean and Dinah
Rosita and Clementina
Round the corner posing
Bet your life is something they selling
And if you catch them broken
You can get em all for nothing
Don't make no row, the yankees gone
Sparrow take over now
It's the glamour boys again
We are going to rule Port of Spain
No more Yankees to spoil the fete
Dorothy have to take what she get
All of them who used to make style
While they taking two shillling with a smile
No more hotel to rest your head
By the sweat of thy brow thou shall eat bread
Jean and Dinah
Rosita and Clementina
Round the corner posing
Bet your life is something they selling
And if you catch them broken
You can get em all for nothing
Don't make no row, the yankees gone
Sparrow take over now
Les paroles de la version française de Philippe Lavil :
Chez les filles c'est la débandade
Plus de yankees à Trinidad
Ils ont fermé la base pour de bon
Plus de cadeaux plus de pognon
Quelle galère dans les bas quartiers
Elles sont toutes en compétition
Pour un dollar, même un penny
Panique en ville, fini les yankees
Si vous croisez:
Jean et Dinah
Rosita et Clémentina
Elles qui nous prenaient de haut
Plus question de nous tourner le dos
Le paradis c'est fini
Les américains sont partis
No more penny No more job
Même plus la queue d'un radis!
De Tobago à Port of Spain
On est les rois, on reprend les rênes
On sort nos costards; nos chapeaux
Nos souliers bicolores pour la calypso!
C'est le retour des matamores
De Tapuna les cadors
Plus personne pour gâcher la fête
Et pour nous voler la vedette!
Ces filles qui faisaient de manières
Aujourd'hui sont beaucoup moins fières
On est les rois, elles sont les reines
De Tobago à Port of Spain
Il faut être identifié pour ajouter un commentaire !