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It's very dark in here
Where are you
Oh oh Ambrose hold my hand
Ambrose something's vibrating
The walls are shaking
Ambrose we can't go on like this
Why can't we sit in the park like other boys and girls
Why do we have to walk in the subway tunnel
- Just keep walking
Ambrose when you grow up
Why don't you be a doctor?
You don't wanna be a doctor?
You wanna be a disc jockey?
Oh Ambrose
You can't spend the rest of your life avoiding responsibilities
How many times have you been in love?
Can't you ever be serious?
- Just keep walking
If I gave you my picture
Would you carry it in your wallet
Well if I gave you a wallet
Would you
I'll put some money in it
What do you mean how much
Honest Ambrose
It's not that I didn't want to have the party at my house
I couldn't
My mommy wouldn't let me
She's ashamed
We haven't got a color telephone
Ambrose what was that
Oh Ambrose I've asked you a million times
Why do we have to walk in a subway tunnel
- Just keep walking
Maybe you'd like me better
If I peroxided my hair like Eloise
Eloise you know Eloise
Your mother
You wouldn't like me peroxided
- Just keep walking
Ambrose just think
Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
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Linda Laurie (Linda Gertz), née le 26 mai 1941 à Brooklyn et décédée le 20 novembre 2009 à Santa Barbara, était une auteure-interprète américaine et aussi directrice de théâtre.
Elle a composé pour Frank Sinatra, pour Nancy Sinatra, pour Helen Reddy, pour Cher et pour Bobby Vinton.
Son premier grand succès avait été "Ambrose Part 5" et il faut noter qu'il n'y a jamais eu ni "Part 1", ni "Part 2", ni "Part 3" et encore moins de "Part 4". Il y aura toutefois des suites "Forever Ambrose" et "The return of Ambrose".
Sur l'autre face du disque, Linda Laurie interprète "Oh what a lover".
Linda Laurie
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