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Harry Nilsson - 1941

Voir du même artiste

Titre : 1941

Année : 1967

Auteurs compositeurs : H. Nilsson

Durée : 2 m 39 s

Label : RCA Victor

Référence : LSP 3874

Présentation : La présence de ce titre dans la base n'est due qu'à son adaptation française "Les vérités de la police" par les Jelly Roll.

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Well in 1941 a happy father had a son
And by 1944 the father walked right out the door
And in '45, the mom and son were still alive
But who could tell in '46 if the two were to survive

Well the years were passing quickly
But not fast enough for him
So he closed his eyes through '55
And then he opened them up again
When he looked around he saw a clown
And the clown seemed very gay
And he set that night to join that circus clown and run away

Well he followed every railroad track
And every highway sign
And he had a girl in each new town
And the towns he left behind
And the open road
Was the only road he knew
But the color of his dreams
Was slowly turning into blue

Then he met a girl, the kind of girl
He wanted all his life
She was soft and kind and good to him
So he took her for his wife
And they got a house not far from town
And in a little while
The girl had seen the doctor
And she came home with a smile

Now in 1961, a happy father had a son
And by 1964 the father walked right out the door
And in '65 the mom and son were still around
But what will happen to the boy
When the circus comes to town?

Transcripteur : Trocol Harum
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2 commentaires
Trocol Harum Le 26/10/2019
La chanson "1941" a été créée par Harry Nilsson et adaptée en français par les Jelly Roll sous l'intitulé "Les vérités de la police".
La version italienne, "1941", a été interprétée par Edoarto Bennato et par Patti Bravo
Parmi les reprises, notons celle du Canadien Tom Northcott, celle du Britannique Billy J. Kramer, alors membre de l'écurie de Brian Epstein, ou, en 2014, celle de Jenny O..
Robin Fusée Le 16/09/2020
Une inspiration de Spinning wheel de Blood, Sweat and Tears?

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