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The Rose Garden - Next plane to London

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Next plane to London

Année : 1967

Auteurs compositeurs : Kenny Gist, Jr

Durée : 2 m 25 s

Label : Atlantic

Référence : ATL 70.244

Présentation : Adaptée en français par Renée Martel sous l'intitulé "Je vais à Londres".

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"The next flight to London will be boarding
In five minutes"
Next plane to London
Leavin' on runway number five
Next plane to London
And I'm missin' him,
That baby
Of mine.
Told 'I'm I was gonna be a star
But to do it I would have to go far away
But I'd come back someday
And take him away
I'm on the
Next plane to London
Leavin' on runway number five
Next plane to London
And I'm missin' him,
That baby
Of mine.
Said that over here I wasn't in.
Down in Hollywood I couldn't find a friend
Would would help me get in
Or listen to me
I'm on the
Next plane to London
Leavin' on runway number five
Next plane to London
And I'm missin' him,
That baby
Of mine.
"Your attention please. The next flight to London
Is now in the final boarding stage.
All passengers holding tickets please proceed to
The boarding area number five."
Maybe over there I'll get a start
Only hope by leavin' I don't break his heart,
The more important part
Than any record on the chart
I'm on the
Next plane to London
Leavin' on runway number five
Next plane to London
And I'm missin' him,
That baby
Of mine.
Next plane to London
Leavin' on runway number five.
Next plane to London
And I'm missin' him more and more
That baby of mine.
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.


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1 commentaire
Trocol Harum Le 17/05/2020
La chanson "Next plane to London" a été créée par The Rose Garden et adaptée en français par Renée Martel sous l'intitulé "Je vais à Londres" puis reprise par Andréa Lindsay.
La version italienne "Il prossimo aereo per Londra" a été interprétée par Lilly Bonato.
Parmi les reprises, notons celle de Kenny O'Dell, celle de 5th Garden ou celle, en 1994, de Chocolate Seastorm.

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