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Gene Vincent - Wild cat

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Wild cat

Année : 1960

Auteurs compositeurs : Aaron Schroeder, Wally Gold

Durée : 2 m 22 s

Label : Capitol

Référence : EAP 1-20032

Présentation : Adaptée en français par les 5 Rocks sous le titre "Tant pis pour toi"

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On the banks of the river stood runnin' bear, young Indian brave
On the other side of the river stood his lovely Indian maid
Little white dove was-a her name, such a lovely sight to see
But their tribes fought with each other so their love could never be
Runnin' bear loved little white dove with a love big as the sky
Runnin' bear loved little white dove with a love that couldn't die
He couldn't swim the raging river 'cause the river was too wide
He couldn't reach little white dove, waiting on the other side
In the moonlight he could see her blowing kisses 'cross the waves
Her little heart was beating faster, waiting there for her brave
Runnin' bear loved little white dove with a love big as the sky
Runnin' bear loved little white dove with a love that couldn't die
Runnin' bear dove in the water, little white dove did the same
And they swam out to each other through the swirling stream they came
As their hands touched and their lips met, the ragin' river pulled them down
Now they'll always be together in that happy hunting ground
Runnin' bear loved little white dove with a love big as the sky
Runnin' bear loved little white dove with a love that couldn't die
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1 commentaire
Trocol Harum Le 04/11/2020
La chanson "Wild cat" de Gene Vincent a été enregistrée par les 5 Rocks sur leur premier et unique disque.
Le titre français "Tant pis pour toi" a ensuite été réenregistré par les Chaussettes Noires.
En tchèque, Martha a Tena Elefteriadu a interprété "Nejdelší most".

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