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You wont come alone with me
To the land of dreams
Just take Rt. Ninety, to New Orleans
Right outta California to New Mexico
We'll have a cup of coffee, in El Paso
Roll on through Comstock to San Antone
Gonna call my baby on the telephone
We'll pass through Katy and Houston too
Stop in Beaumont Texas, for some barbeque
Hot links and hog ribs and fillet gumbo
At the Bon Ton drive-in, that's the place to go
Then Jennings and Crowley, Lake Charles and Rain
When you get to Lafayette boy, you'll see 'em cuttin' cane.
In Morgan City, where the shrimp boats land
Put a nickel in the juke box, you'll hear a Cajun band
Ain't ya glad you come along, boy, to the land of dreams?
Rollin' down Rt. Ninety, to New Orleans.
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La chanson "Route 90" a aussi été reprise par Johnny Winter et par Los Lobos.
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