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Stan Freberg - Little blue riding hood

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Titre : Little blue riding hood

Année : 1953

Auteurs compositeurs : Butler - Freberg - Schumann

Durée : 3 m 25 s

Label : Capitol records

Référence : F2596

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(Thème d'ouverture de « Dragnet »)

Narrateur: The story of Little Blue Riding Hood is true. Only the color has been changed to prevent an investigation.

(Musique d'ouverture de « Dragnet »)

Joe: This is the woods. My name is Wednesday, I work outa' homicide. Monday, February the 2nd, 10:22am. Bumped into Chicken Lickin'
Told me the sky was falling. I booked her on a 614, turned her over to the psychiatrists. Then a call came in on a 503. When I was on my way to the 503 a 618 came in. I added up the 614, the 503 and the 618. Got 1735. I handed in my paper to the Chief, he corrected it, gave me 100%, patted me on the head. Told me I was a good cop.

(Musique dramatique)

Joe: 11:45am, it happened. I saw a little girl in a blue hood carrying a basket. I stopped to question her.

(Joe) « Pardon me, ma'am, could I talk to you for just a minute, ma'am?
(Little Blue) - What about?
(Joe) - Nothing much, ma'am. Just wanna ask you a few questions, ma'am. What's your name?
(Little Blue) - Little Blue Riding Hood.
(Joe) - Where ya' going, ma'am?
(Little Blue) - Grandma's house.
(Joe) - Yes, ma'am. Whad'ya got in the basket?
(Little Blue, sur la défensive) - Whad'ya trying to say, I got something in the basket I shouldn't have?
(Joe) - No, ma'am, I didn't say that.
(Little Blue) - Then whad'ya asking me all these questions for?
(Joe) - Just routine, ma'am, we just wanna' get the facts. May I have a look in that basket, ma'am?
(Little Blue) - Be my guest.
(Joe) - Let's see. Sawed-off shotgun. Knife. Bludgeon. Box of dum-dum shells. Nothing suspicious here. All right, ma'am, we may want to talk to you later, so don't leave the woods.

(Musique dramatique)

Joe: She skipped on down the path. But she didn't know I'd seen the concealed compartment in the basket. In it, what I'd suspected all along - goodies.

(Musique dramatique)

Joe: My job - get to grandma's before she did. I took a shortcut through the strawberry patch. It was sort of a strawberry shortcut.

(bruits de pas)

Joe: I walked up to the cottage, rang the bell.

(Sonnerie de porte)

(La grand-mère) « Coming, dear! »

(bruit de porte qui s'ouvre)

(Joe) « OK, grandma, it's a raid.
(La grand_mère, jouant la surprise) - A raid? Why, I'm just a peace-loving old lady, you've got the wrong grandma.
(Joe) - Yes, ma'am. We just wanna' get the facts. Where'd you get that bump on your head?
(La grand-mère) - The sky fell on me this morning. »

(Musique dramatique)

Joe : I made a note to book her on a 614 and turn her over to the psychiatrists. I tied her up, put her in the closet, then I put on the grandma suit and got into bed.

(Joe, ne faisant aucune tentative pour déguiser sa voix) « Come in, ma'am. »

(bruit de porte qui s'ouvre)
(Little Blue) « Hello, gramma, I got the loot. What're you doin' in bed?
(Joe) - I'm feeling poorly.
(Little Blue) - But gramma, what big ears you have!
(Joe) - All the better to get the facts. I just wanna' get the facts, ma'am.
(Little Blue) - But gramma, what a big subpoena you have in your pocket!
(Joe) - All the better to serve you with.
(Little Blue) - But gramma, what a big .38 police special you have pointed at me!
(Joe) - All the better to take you in. You're under arrest. You and your grandma are operating a goodies ring.
(Little Blue, tristement): A cop. I shoulda' known.
(Joe) - Known what, ma'am?
(Little Blue, tristement): You look nothing like my gramma. You forgot about the mustache.
(Joe) - But I don't have a mustache.
(Little Blue) - I know. But gramma does. »

(Musique dramatique)

(Frank) - Well, I see you broke the goodies ring. How'd you get a lead on 'er, Joe?
(Joe) - I just played a hunch, Frank. It was just a hunch. I played my luck; sometimes a hunch pays off, sometimes it doesn't, I was just lucky, I just played a hunch, Frank.
(Frank) - What you're trying to say, Joe, is you just played a hunch. A lucky guess. Sometimes a hunch pays off, sometimes it doesn't. You just played a hunch. Is that what you're trying to tell me, Joe?
(Joe) - Yeah. I just played a hunch.

(Générique de fin de « Dragnet »)
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2 commentaires
Trocol Harum Le 28/03/2021
Stan Freberg (Stanley Victor Freberg) est né le 7 aout 1926 à Pasadena et est décédé le 15 avril 2015 à Santa Monica. C'est un comédien-animateur californien.
Il est aussi connu pour ses parodies de chansons comme "The Great Prentender", le succès des Platters, "Heartbreak Hotel" d'Elvis Presley ou "Banana boat (Day O)", popularisée par Harry Belafonte.

Tout comme "Christmas Dragnet" et "St. George and the dragonet", la chanson "Little blue ridind hood" est basée sur le Dragnet theme (Danger ahead), est une parodie du feuilleton radiophonique qui deviendra ensuite une série télévisée puis un film "L.A. Dragnet" avec le Détective Joe Friday.
L'intégralité du générique a été interprété par Ray Anthony.

Dam-Dam Le 28/03/2021
The lyrics : [Thanks]

Prestation :

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