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I can't give you more that what I got
You can't expect to get what I have not
I can only give you love until the sun goes down
I've to leave a little .
But I try and I try, oh baby, you know that I
Can only give you everything, no no no no no no
How can I get you to understand?
But after all, I am just a man
You you you you you you you are on
My mind to stand until the shadows come
I've to leave with little flower 'cause the purple's gone
But I try and I try, oh baby, you know that I
Can only give you everything,
No no no no no no, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
I'll do anything you want me to do
But I don't wanna know it's like we'll act to
No no no no no no no, don't ever go and leave me in this world alone
'Cause I'll be like a little child if I was on my own
But I try and I try, oh baby, you know that I
Can only give you everything,
No no no no no no no, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
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La chanson "I can only give you everything" des Them a été reprie en français par les Sultans sous le titre "Tu es impossible" et par Ronnie Bird sous l'intitulé "Chante". Cette version a été reprise par Les Terribles et par Sylvie Vartan.
La version finnoise "Iloinen tiede" est interprétée par Kontra.
Parmi les reprises, notons celle des Troggs, celle des Haunted ou celle du MC-5.
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