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Marc Bolan - Beyond the rising sun

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Beyond the rising sun

Interprète : T. Rex

Année : 1965

Auteurs compositeurs : Bolan

Durée : 2 m 12 s

Label : Cherry Red

Référence : Cherry 39

Présentation : Avant T. Tex, Mark Bolan menait une carrière solo.

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You've heard about the Fairyland
Where people walk hand in hand,
I tell you I know where it is
It's past the Apples of the Sun
Near the Land of the Golden One,
Far beyond the rising sun
You pass the oceans of this land
Pass the man with the golden hand
You smile as you watch the Dragons fly
And play upon the golden shore
And bang upon his magic door
Behind which people never die
When finally you make the scene
You see things you never dream
You thought they were only in your mind
Where Unicorns and young Gods play
From the break of dawn to the end of day
Always happy and kind in their minds.
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1 commentaire
Kate&Brian Le 28/12/2023
Marc Bolan, complètement surestimé, non ?

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