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The next song, ladies and gentlemen
We'd like to dedicate it to the man here on the extreme right
His name is Cairan Bourke
And the subject is Whiskey
and it's called whiskey in the jar.
And it goes like this :
As I was a goin' over the far famed Kerry mountains
I met with captain Farrell and his money he was counting
I first produced my pistol and I then produced my rapier
Saying "Stand and deliver" for he were a bold deceiver
Mush-a ring dumb-a do dumb-a da
Wack fall the daddy-o, wack fall the daddy-o
There's whiskey in the jar
I counted out his money and it made a pretty penny
I put it in me pocket and I took it home to Jenny
She sighed and she swore that she never would deceive me
But the devil take the women for they never can be easy
Mush-a ring dumb-a do dumb-a da
Wack fall the daddy-o, wack fall the daddy-o
There's whiskey in the jar
I went up to my chamber, all for to take a slumber
I dreamt of gold and jewels and for sure 't was no wonder
But Jenny blew me charges and she filled them up with water
Then sent for captain Farrell to be ready for the slaughter
Mush-a ring dumb-a do dumb-a da
Wack fall the daddy-o, wack fall the daddy-o
There's whiskey in the jar
And 't was early in the morning, just before I rose to travel
Up comes a band of footmen and likewise captain Farrell
I first produced me pistol for she stole away me rapier
I couldn't shoot the water, so a prisoner I was taken
Mush-a ring dumb-a do dumb-a da
Wack fall the daddy-o, wack fall the daddy-o
There's whiskey in the jar
There's some take delight in the carriages a rolling
and others take delight in the hurling and the bowling
but I take delight in the juice of the barley
and courting pretty fair maids in the morning bright and early
Mush-a ring dumb-a do dumb-a da
Wack fall the daddy-o, wack fall the daddy-o
There's whiskey in the jar
And if anyone can aid me 't is my brother in the army
If I can find his station in Cork or in Killarney
And if he'll go with me, we'll go rovin' through Killkenney
And I'm sure he'll treat me better than my own a-sporting Jenny
Mush-a ring dumb-a do dumb-a da
Wack fall the daddy-o, wack fall the daddy-o
There's whiskey in the jar
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
La chanson traditionnelle irlandaise "Gilgarrah mountain" enregistrée, en 1941, par Lena Bourne Fish, a été reprise, en 1961, par Bob Gibson sous l'intitulé "Gilgarry mountain (Darlin' sportin' Jenny)" et, la même année, popularisée par les Highwaymen sous le nom de "Whisky in the jar". Les adaptations françaises, "Mâche ta chique" et "Le whisky de Papa", sont de Joe Dassin et de Frida Boccara.
"Mâche ta chique" sera reprise par Michel Corringe.
En tchèque, "Toulat se po hvězdách" a été interprété par Miroslav Donutil, tandis que "Whisky plnej džbán" était chanté par The Greenhorns et "Benny" par Václav âr Koubek & the Hogs.
En danois, "Gi' mig whiskey in the jar" était chanté par le Lars Lilholt Band alors qu'en néerlandais, "Dag dikke olifant" a été chanté par Willem Duyn.
En allemand, "William und der Klabautermann" a été interprété par Elke Martens tandis que Klaus und Klaus chantaient "Rum-Buddel-Rum". Toujours en allemand, Knut Kiesewetter a chanté "Pay" et Tom Kannmacher & Jürgen Schöntges ont interprété "Es ist noch Whisky da" alors que "Schweine im Paniermehl" était chanté par le Die Gerd Show.
En finnois, "Kauas Vuorten Taa" a été chanté par Bablo, "Pannaan poika porisemaan" par Moog Konttinen et "Kannu vaakunaa" par les Pate Mustajärvi ja Agents alors que Eläkeläiset interprétait "Humppamaratooni".
En suédois, "Skärsliparsång" a été chanté par Jeja Sundström & Stefan Demert.
Parmi les reprises, Burl Ives a chanté "Kilgary mountain", Seamus Ennis, "Whiskey in the jar" tandis que les Seekers, reprenaient "Whisky in the jar" et Peter, Paul and Mary, "Gilgarra mountain".
En 1967, sous le nom de "Whiskey in the jar", les Dubliners commenceront à lui redonner son identité irlandaise, de même que les Pogues et les Dublin City Ramblers.
Parmi d'autres reprises, notons celle de Grateful Dead, celle d'U2, celle de Metallica, celle de Santiano, celle de Thin Lizzy ou celle de Nolwenn Leroy.
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