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The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - In the Arena

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Titre : In the Arena

Année : 1967

Auteurs compositeurs : Markley, Harris

Pochette : Jerry White

Durée : 4 m 15 s

Label : Reprise

Référence : RS 6270

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[Intro, spoken]
(In the arena a crowd is restless
Tonight, one time only, 1500 white collar
Gun-carrying, club-bearing policemen
The city's finest, will charge unarmed children, mothers
Crippled, hippies, freaks, professors and other peace marchers
Never before have you been able to witness so much cruelty
Live and in color
In the privacy of your own room)


[Verse 1]
Peaceful people offering opinions
Protesting what you sincerely know is wrong
Be ready, you will probably be beaten

[Verse 2]
You will probably be arrested and questioned
Your beliefs will be twisted; your rights will be forgotten
Be ready, be ready, you will probably be beaten

[Guitar Solo]

[Bridge, spoken]
(In the arena, next week, in person
Due to popular demand
Negro looters of all ages will be shot
Come early for the best seats
Come early, for the good times start at 2 pm)

Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.


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1 commentaire
Claude Bukowski Le 24/11/2024
Rien que le nom du groupe, est tout un programme !

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