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Barry Winslow - Smallest astronaut

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Titre : Smallest astronaut

Interprète : The Royal Guardsmen

Année : 1978

Auteurs compositeurs : D. Holler, P. Gernhard

Durée : 3 m 15 s

Label : Laurie Double Gold

Référence : LDG 112

Présentation : Le titre du chanteur des Royal Guardsmen, Barry Winslow en solo, est paru en face B du disque, vendu aux USA, des The Royal Guardsmen "Snoopy's Christmas".

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Into the black of outer space go four of the chosen few
The system's check out: A-OK. We're going to the moon
Moon shot, countdown, earthshine on; blaze your light our way
Tell the world the universe belongs to us today

On through the pull of fifty Gs and up through the atmosphere
Suddenly a blip hits the radar screen and another ship flies near
The astronauts try the radio, but the mystery ship flies on
So, the captain hits the retro-boost, and the race to the moon is on
Ten, nine, eight, and counting down, our boys are on their way
Tell the world the universe belongs to us today

The mystery ship is gaining fast 'cause there's only one man aboard
As it races past, on the radio can be heard a discouraging word, "Auf weidersehen."
Our faithful friend knows all is lost if the Baron keeps his pace
So he volunteers for a decoy flight so his friends can win the race

The decoy ship heads back to earth and the Baron turns around
The race to the moon's forgotten 'til he shoots our hero down
But as the smallest astronaut lands safely on the ground
Two hundred thousand miles away, Apollo touches down
Ten, nine, eight, and counting down, our boys are on their way
Tell the world the universe belongs to us today

Ten, nine, eight, and counting down, our boys are on their way
Tell the world the universe belongs to us today
Ten, nine, eight, and counting down, our boys are on their way
Tell the world the universe belongs to us today

[Astronaut Roll Call during ending refrain]
Aldrin, Armstrong, Collins, Stafford, Young, Cernan, MacDivott, Scott, Schweikert, Borman, Lovell, Anders, Schirra, Cunningham, Eisell, Grissom, White, Chaffee, Cooper, Carpenter, Glenn, Shepard
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