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Do you feel like a chain store
Practically floored?
One of many zeros
Kicked around bored
Your ears are full, but you're empty
Holding out your heart
To people who never really
Care how you are
So give me coffee and TV
I've seen so much, I'm goin' blind
And I'm brain-dead virtually
It's hard enough for me
Take me away from this big bad world
And agree to marry me
So we can start over again
Do you go to the country?
It isn't very far
There's people there who will hurt you
'Cause of who you are
Your ears are full of the language
There's wisdom there, you're sure
'Til the words start slurring
And you can't find the door
So give me coffee and TV
I've seen so much, I'm goin' blind
And I'm brain-dead virtually
It's hard enough for me
Take me away from this big bad world
And agree to marry me
So we can start over again
So give me coffee and TV
I've seen so much, I'm goin' blind
And I'm brain-dead virtually
It's hard enough for me
Take me away from this big bad world
And agree to marry me
So we can start over again
Oh, we could start over again
Oh, we could start over again
Oh, we could start over again
Oh, we could start over again
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
Voir tous les commentaires
1 commentaire
morpheeLe 10/01/2025
Un peu le disque de Graham Coxon qui, une fois n'est pas coutume, se charge des paroles et, en plus, est l'auteur de la peinture servant de pochette.
Il faut être identifié pour ajouter un commentaire !
Un peu le disque de Graham Coxon qui, une fois n'est pas coutume, se charge des paroles et, en plus, est l'auteur de la peinture servant de pochette.
Il faut être identifié pour ajouter un commentaire !