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Oh, Mr. Pleasant, how is Mrs. Pleasant?
I hope the world is treating you right
And your head's in the air
And you're feeling so proud
'Cause you're such a success
And the whole wide world is on your side, hey hey
How are you today?
People say Mr. Pleasant is good
Mr. Pleasant is kind
Mr. Pleasant's okay
Mr. Pleasant don't mind
As long as Mr. Pleasant's alright, hey hey
How are you today?
How's your father, how's your mother?
How's your sister, how's your brother?
How's your brand, new limousine
Twenty-four inch TV screen?
Did you like prosperity
More than you liked poverty?
Life is easier, so much easier
Life is easier now
Oh, Mr. Pleasant, how is Mrs. Pleasant?
Did you know she was flirting around
With another young man
And he's taking her out
When you have to work late?
And it's not so pleasant after all, hey hey
How are you today?
People say Mr. Pleasant is good
Mr. Pleasant is kind
Mr. Pleasant's okay
Mr. Pleasant don't mind
As long as Mr. Pleasant's alright, hey hey
How are you today?
Mr. Pleasant is good
Mr. Pleasant is kind
Mr. Pleasant's okay
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Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
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