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Operator, number, please: It's been so many years
Will she remember my old voice while I fight the tears?
Hello, hello there, is this Martha? This is old Tom Frost
And I am calling long distance, don't worry 'bout the cost
'Cause it's been forty years or more, now, Martha, please, recall
Meet me out for coffee, where we'll talk about it all
And those were the days of roses, poetry and prose
And Martha all I had was you and all you had was me
There was no tomorrows, we'd packed away our sorrows
And we saved them for a rainy day
And I feel so much older now, and you're much older too
How's your husband? And how's the kids? You know that I gotmarried too?
Luck that you found someone to make you feel secure
'Cause we were all so young and foolish, now we are mature
And those were the days of roses, poetry and prose
And Martha all I had was you and all you had was me
There was no tomorrows, we'd packed away our sorrows
And we saved them for a rainy day
And I was always so impulsive, I guess that I still am
And all that really mattered then was that I was a man
I guess that our being together was never meant to be
And Martha, Martha, I love you can't you see?
And those were the days of roses, poetry and prose
And Martha all I had was you and all you had was me
There was no tomorrows, we'd packed away our sorrows
And we saved them for a rainy day
And I remember quiet evenings trembling close to you
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