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I've got so many problems
My life is such a mess
I need some tender lovin'
Just give me your address.
You've got so many problems
Your life is such a mess
But if you start complaining
No girl's gonna say: yes
You're O.K.
You're smart
You're in
Yes I know
yes I know
I'm a supergirl
And I love to be with you
You've got a style and your smile means the world to me
But I won't marry you
you can call me after eight
Hot number 31024
If you should care to go
To the midnight show
And if you're still in shape
Together we could taste
The greatest strawberry sunday on the Camps-Elysees
You're O.K.
You're smart
You're in
It's easier together
than being all alone
Life can be much better
when you're not on your own
It's easier together
than being alone
But when love is all what matters you're feelin' like a clown.
You're O.K.
You're smart
You're in
Yes I know
Yes I know
I'm a supergirl
You stay up sitting there
Lonely as can be
Better dance for me
Better sing with me
Looking back through the years
At my old souvenirs
In the dust lying there
Was a gold lock of hair
It was part of the past
But the past cannot last
I remember the scene
I remember the dream
She was lovely and fair
As the breeze kissed her hair
As her vision appears
Can I turn back the years
Am I only fooling me
As I look around and see
Somewhere along the way
The dreams of yesterday
Tell me lock of golden hair
So lonely lying there
Am I foolish thinking of
Our young and summer love
Time goes on and moments fly
And I only know that I
Must forget the days gone by
When all the world was young and gay
When all the world was young and gay
Oh, we laughed and we cried
As we walked side by side
Making plans we were sure
Would go on never more
But the summer must end
And the shadow must fade
Life goes on it appears
Leaving just souvenirs
Tell me lock of golden hair
So lonely lying there
Am I foolish thinking of
Our young and summer love
Time goes on and moments fly
And I only know that I
Must forget the days gone by
When all the world was young and gay
When all the world was young and gay
Deuxième session de Ils ont osé.
Je vous recommande particulièrement le premier titre; écoutez l'émission, vous comprendrez pourquoi…
Quant à la rubrique du jour, oyez, oyez…
Le record d'auditeurs de la première émission était en fait de 125 et non 122 ! Le nombre avait encore augmenté le temps que je t'annonce le chiffre :o)
ans quelle langue étrangère autre que l'allemand voulez-vous chanter une telle chanson ?? Imaginez la même chose en Italien ou en Espagnol !!!!
De plus H. Léonard est originaire de l'est de la France. Ceci explique peut-être celà ….
C'est décidé, j'ai déchiré toutes les pages des jeudis soirs de mon aganda pour être sûr de pas avoir de rendez-vous à ce moment là … (j'ai même acheté une paire d'oreilles de secours au cas où je deviendrai sourd)…
J'suis present, comme toujours. Toujours un plaisir d'entendre Adamo en anglais. Il a sorti beaucoup de disques en angleterre, je suis supris que rien d'entre eux a marché. As-tu Ich'Allah an anglais Decibelfm? C'est superbe…
Surprenant !!!
La voix de l'animateur de cette émission parait être celle de R. Gottainer !!!!
l'intro comme toujours super puissante, mais tu as changé le titre "Il va oser "?
c'est une émission toquée, pardon t'es OK !! mais qu'est-ce que j'aime l'écouter.
J'ai pas vu si on a explosé le compteur…………..[122 auditeurs au plus fort de l'audience :o)]
Pochette de "Einfach nur so" (Herbert Léonard) sur http://perso.wanadoo.fr/herbert.leonard/r03.html
Pochette de "Mi manchi tu" (Dick Rivers) sur http://www.cdandlp.com/item/1/3932-0-0-1-R/1366430…
(elle vaut le coup celle-là !!!)
Le programme :
Herbert Léonard (allemand) : Einfach nur so (pour le plaisir)
Ottawan (anglais) : You're OK (T'es OK)
Salvatore Adamo (anglais) : Lock of golden hair (Une mèche de cheveux)
Alain Souchon (italien) : Allo Mamma Bobo (Allo Maman Bobo)
(il a trouvé) Pierre Desproges & Evelyne Grandjean (français "médiéval" ;o) ) : Chanson de Renault
Dalida (espagnol) : Volverás (J'attendrai)
Dick Rivers (italien) : Mi manchi tu (Tu n'es plus là )
Paroles de "you're OK" (Ottawan) :
You're O.K.
You're smart
You're in
I've got so many problems
My life is such a mess
I need some tender lovin'
Just give me your address.
You've got so many problems
Your life is such a mess
But if you start complaining
No girl's gonna say: yes
You're O.K.
You're smart
You're in
Yes I know
yes I know
I'm a supergirl
And I love to be with you
You've got a style and your smile means the world to me
But I won't marry you
you can call me after eight
Hot number 31024
If you should care to go
To the midnight show
And if you're still in shape
Together we could taste
The greatest strawberry sunday on the Camps-Elysees
You're O.K.
You're smart
You're in
It's easier together
than being all alone
Life can be much better
when you're not on your own
It's easier together
than being alone
But when love is all what matters you're feelin' like a clown.
You're O.K.
You're smart
You're in
Yes I know
Yes I know
I'm a supergirl
You stay up sitting there
Lonely as can be
Better dance for me
Better sing with me
You're O.K.
You're smart
You're in
Paroles de "Lock of golden hair" (Salvatore Adamo) :
Looking back through the years
At my old souvenirs
In the dust lying there
Was a gold lock of hair
It was part of the past
But the past cannot last
I remember the scene
I remember the dream
She was lovely and fair
As the breeze kissed her hair
As her vision appears
Can I turn back the years
Am I only fooling me
As I look around and see
Somewhere along the way
The dreams of yesterday
Tell me lock of golden hair
So lonely lying there
Am I foolish thinking of
Our young and summer love
Time goes on and moments fly
And I only know that I
Must forget the days gone by
When all the world was young and gay
When all the world was young and gay
Oh, we laughed and we cried
As we walked side by side
Making plans we were sure
Would go on never more
But the summer must end
And the shadow must fade
Life goes on it appears
Leaving just souvenirs
Tell me lock of golden hair
So lonely lying there
Am I foolish thinking of
Our young and summer love
Time goes on and moments fly
And I only know that I
Must forget the days gone by
When all the world was young and gay
When all the world was young and gay
Paroles de "Volverás" (Dalida) :
Y tu me hallarás esperándote otra vez
Mi perdón te daré abrazándote
Más que ayer
Tienes que saber
Que jamás te olvidé
Que te quiero más
Y por ti, por tu amor
Sé esperar
Y tu me hallarás esperándote otra vez
Mi perdón te daré abrazándote
Más que ayer
Tienes que saber
Que jamás te olvidé
Que te quiero más
Y por ti, por tu amor
Sé esperar
Siempre estaré
De madrugada
Te esperaré
Soñándote, soñándote
Y tu me hallarás esperándote otra vez
Mi perdón te daré
Abrazándote mas que ayer
Tienes que saber
Que jamás te olvidé
Que te quiero más
Y por ti por tu amor
Sé esperar
Y por ti por tu amor
Sé esperar
Tienes que saber
Que jamás te olvidé
Que te quiero más
Y por ti, por tu amor
Sé esperar.
Félicitations pour les 122 ! Fabuleux le titre de Desproges !!! :o)
excellent le Desproges, effectivement ! A quand dans la base ?
C'est toujours un plaisir de te retrouver, Déciboum! Et si en plus tu nous as déniché du Herbert Léonard! Danke vielmal!Ta rubrique est suculente, continue!
Moi, je vote pour que Desproges entre dans la base! Oui m'sieur! Allez courage, Deci! Je t'enverrai du chocolat dans ta grotte climatisée, c'est promis! ^^
La version italienne d'"Allô Maman Bobo" comporte des choristes pour le moins envahissantes…
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