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I spend my whole life searching, well that's how it seems
Looking over rainbows and chasing dreams
And though I found someone whose love I could command
I don't know what to do, I need a helping hand
Catch me (I'm falling in love)
Catch me (I'm falling in love)
Catch me (I'm falling in love)
And I don't know what to do
I need you
I've been through so many places, and how many things
Yet I'm confused by the feeling that loving brings
I thought I could always say "I'm a woman of the world"
But when it comes to love I'm just a little girl
Hold me in your arms and love me tenderly
Only you can save me come and rescue me
I'm falling I'm falling
Catch me, because I'm falling in love
Catch me, you know I'm falling in love
Catch me, you know I'm falling in love
And I don't know what to do
I need you
I want you
Come on and hold me, squeeze me, touch me, love me
Catch me, I'm falling in love
Catch me, you know I'm falling in love
Catch me, you see I'm falling in love
Oh, baby baby
Catch me, I'm falling in love
Catch me, you know I'm falling in love
Catch me, you see I'm falling in love
Oh won't you hear me
Catch me, because I'm falling in love…
Transcripteur : hre mgbye
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High energy de trés bonne facture.
Oui en plus elle a l'air sympa sur la pochette…
Je suis intoxiquée, j'adore ce titre, il faut que je me le procure… bon, je sens que la chasse sera difficile! :(
Quelle voix! C'est dommage qu'elle ne soit pas davantage reconnue.
Dans la même veine que le "Masquerade" de Melle Thomas, je suppose que c'est une ancienne chanteuse soul qui a trouvé sa voie dans la disco musclée… Efficace, mais pas désagréable du tout !
[Merci pour les paroles !]
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