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Lynsey de Paul & Mike Moran - Rock Bottom

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Titre : Rock Bottom

Année : 1977

Auteurs compositeurs : Mike Moran - Lynsey de Paul

Durée : 2 m 55 s

Label : Polydor

Référence : 2001 708

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Where are we? Rock bottom
Tragedies? We got 'em
Remedy? Why don't we
Rub it out and start it again
With sympathy - Oh, I get it
Harmony - You said it
Where are we? Rock bottom
Rub it out and start it again
Can you tell me? Oh, I don't know
Can you help me? I don't know
All I know is we can do
Anything we want to
Where are we? Rock bottom
Tragedies? We got 'em
Remedy? Why don't we
Rub it out and start it again
With sympathy - Oh, I get it
Harmony - You said it
Where are we? Rock bottom
Rub it out and start it again
Rock, rock, rock bottom
Rock, rock, rock bottom
Rock, rock, rock bottom
Can you tell me? I don't know
But can you help me? Oh, I don't know
All I know is we can do
Anything we want to
Where are we? Rock bottom
Tragedies? We got 'em
Remedy? Why don't we
Rub it out and start it again
With sympathy - Oh, I get it
Harmony - You said it
Where are we? Rock bottom
Rub it out and start it again
Where are we? Rock bottom
Rub it out and start it again
Rock, rock, rock bottom
Rock, rock, rock bottom
Rock, rock, rock bottom
Rub it out and start it again
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Voir tous les commentaires

6 commentaires (dont 1 archivé)
Curieuzeneuze Le 22/06/2005
Eurovision 1977 Royaume-Uni : 2e/18 121pts. Battus par Marie Myriam.
mealone Le 24/06/2006
Oh, voilà une jolie surprise! Cela balance juste ce qu'il faut, j'aime bien!
raez Le 30/12/2006
Mike Moran - Lynsey de Paul ??? que vient faire paul moran danc cette galère ? mais non ! je rigole !!!!!!!!
henua Le 01/12/2007
il a piqué les lunettes de Paris Hilton ! ou peut etre que c'est le contraire!
coppelio Le 24/09/2011
je les avais jugés dangereux lors du concours 1977 persuadés qu'ils allaient piquer la 1ère place à Marie Myriam !

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