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Baby you send me, baby you send me…
Set adrift on memory bliss of you
The camera pans the cocktail glass,
Behind a blind of plastic plants;
I found the lady with the fat diamond ring
Then you know I can't remember a damn thing
I think it's one of those de ja vu things,
Or a dream that's tryin' to tell me something
Or will I ever stop thinkin' about it
I don't know, I doubt it
Subterranean by design,
I wonder what I would find if I met you,
Let my eyes caress you,
Until I meet the thought of Missess Princess Who?
I often wonder what makes her work
I guess I'll leave that question to the experts,
Assuming that there are some out there
They're probably alone, solitaire
I can remember when I caught up
With a pastime intimate friend
She said, "Bet you're probably gonna say I look lovely,
But you probably don't think nothin' of me."
She was right, though, I can't lie
She's just one of those corners in my mind,
And I just put her right back with the rest
That's the way it goes, I guess
Baby you send me, baby you send me
Set adrift on memory bliss of you
Baby you send me, baby you send me
Set adrift on memory bliss of you
A careless whisper from a careless man,
A neutron dance for a neutron fan;
Marionette strings are dangerous things,
I thought of all the trouble they bring
An eye for an eye, a spy for a spy,
Rubber bands expand in a frustrating sigh
Tell me that she's not dreaming
She's got an ace in the hole,
It doesn't have meaning
Reality used to be a friend of mine,
'cause complete control, I don't take too kind
Christina Applegate, you gotta put me on
Guess who's piece of the cake is Jack gone?
She broke her wishbone and wished for a sign
I told her whispers in my heart were fine
What did she think she could do?
I feel for her, I really do
And I stared at the ring finger on her hand,
I wanted her to be a big PM Dawn fan,
But I had to put her right back with the rest
That's the way it goes, I guess
Baby you send me, baby you send me
Set adrift on memory bliss of you
Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
Dans ce groupe de deux… il y avait un des fistons d'un des gars de "kool and the gang" si ma mémoire est bonne.
Edit: En fait, les deux gars étaient des frangins et ont été élevés par leur mère qui s'est remariée après le décès de leur père avec un des membres fondateurs de "Kool and the Gang" George Brown. Bref… tout ça pour ça. ;)
Les paroles : [Merci !] ♫
Le clip : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AOVf9p9ht4
Comment plagier "True" de Spandau Ballet.
Comme indiqué dans la présentation, il ne s'agit pas de plagiat mais de samples.
Sample, et avec un clin d'œil, puisque Tony Hadley chanteur de Spandau, apparait à la fin du clip ;)
La version ici dans la base est celle du LP, il en existe au moins 2 autres une "extended" et une radio.
Voila le clip qui correspond à l'extended.
Je recommande leur album "Of The Heart, Of The Soul And Of The Cross: The Utopian Experience" qui contient de très bons morceaux. Du vrai rap à l'ancienne mais qui reste toujours crédible en 2023.
Ils avaient sorti un deuxième simple : "Paper Doll" qui avait hélas moins bien marché.
Prince Be (celui qui rappait) est décédé en 2016.
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