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Ooh Fred come to bed
Cos my Max had sex
With his sexy ex
Oh Fred come to bed
Baby I won't let your dreams get wet
Ooh Fred
Well I'm Max I'm Max - baby don't be blue
Don't you worry don't be sorry
I'll come back to you
Just one more night with my poor old ex
She's only lonely we don't have sex
I'm Max Max Max
Baby please stay cool and just relax
I'll soon be back but if you feel sad
Just go and talk to my friend Fred
Ooh Fred come to bed
Cos my Max had sex
With his sexy ex
Oh Fred come to bed
Baby I won't let your dreams get wet
Ooh Fred come to bed
Baby you will get
A love you never had
So Fred come to bed
Or my fantasy will drive me mad oooh
Ooh Fred
I'm Max I'm Max and I trust in Fred
Baby he's the best friend I've ever had
It's Fred it's Fred - baby just call Fred
And anything you ever wanted you will get
Call Fred Fred Fred
And you will find it's not so bad
It's just one night - baby you'll get through
Tomorrow I'll be back with you
Ooh Fred come to bed
Cos my Max had sex
With his sexy ex
Oh Fred come to bed
Baby I won't let your dreams get wet
Ooh Fred come to bed
Baby you will get
A love you never had
So Fred come to bed
Or my fantasy will drive me mad oooh
Oooh Fred come to bed
Oh my Max had sex
With his ex last night
Cos he loves her ass and tits
So I tell you Fred
Come into my bed
If you don't - I will call up Fritz
Ooh Fred, come to bed
Ooh Fred
Ooh Fred
Ooh Fred come to bed
Cos my Max had sex
With his sexy ex
Oh Fred come to bed
Baby I won't let your dreams get wet
Ooh Fred come to bed
Oh my Max had sex
With his ex last night
Cos he loves her ass and tits
So I tell you Fred
Come into my bed
If you don't - I will call up Fritz
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
Extrait de l'album "Sex Affairs" dont la bande dessinée ci-dessous est également issue:
Je ne comprends pas comment de telles grossiertés sont diffusées sur cette radio. ^^
après "max don't have sex with your ex" et avant "billy use a willy" et "sex on the phone"
J'ai l'album en CD, une pure merveille!
Le journal du hard du bide enfin ! pourquoi ce titre ne s'y trouve pas ?
je me doutais pas que les paroles étaient à ce point romantiques ! mais bon j'écoutais ca à 15 ans à peine … et bon quand on voit les rappeurs d'aujourd'hui ,y'a bien pire . au moins la mélodie était pas mal.
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